Jennifer said that they loved every minute of their Germany trip except that one. "What could it be?" you ask, Stay tuned for this weeks episode of "As My Face Swells". So, We go to Heiko and Barbara's Saturday morning before our trip to a little harbor town called "Great Seal" (not really how it's spelled, but how it sounds). Heiko says "Wanna see my bees?" (in German) so we go back to the bee boxes. Heiko raises bees and thay make honey to sell. Anyhow, we get back to the bee boxes and Heiko lifts off the top...ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!!!!!! LOUD AND STEADY BUZZ! Thousands of bees. So Matt says, "Jen, you should get a picture of that." Being the inteligent young lady that I am, I stick my head in there with the camera. Next thing I know, bees in my hair!!!! I do not want to appear foolish so, I simply take the picture and calmly say, "There are bees in my hair." Heiko says, while I am gently running my fingers through my hair, "They're not stinging you are..........." before he could finish his sentence a burning fire torch impaled my head and all hell broke loose!!!!! Jumping, Screaming, thrashing both hands through my hair OWWWWWWIE! Then, as quickly as it started, I calmed down. Somebody pulled the stinger out, Barbara the Medicine Woman ran to the weeds, picked some leaves, crushed them up and insisted that I put them on the sting until we could get back to Mutti's for some cream. Barbara also boiled Stinging Nettles into tea for Olivia to drink three times a day for what we thought might be a bladder infection, she was fine after two cups!!! I was impressed.
We spent a couple of hours in "Great Seal" and then Barbara called a friend who has an old windmill on his property that he and the Windmill association have had restored. He graciously welcomed us and not only let us in, but took us on a tour through it. A tour like you would get during a school field trip!!! It was fun and educational. It's not what you know it's who you know!!! Full day..... bee boxes, harbor town, windmills, pig roast, bonfire, beer tent. Thanks to the Schitthelm's for a lovely time.
The best part about the bee sting story is that my face swelled until I could have successfully landed a part on Planet of the Apes, just in time for our meeting at the town hall on Tuesday. At which, of course, we needed our photos taken for our residence permit!
I'll try the photo slideshow later, gotta run to the market. Olivia starts ice skating lessons after school so I need to get my errands done now. Check back later for some photos of the weekend.
Tot Ziens!!
hope you are okay!
great story. looking forward to the slide show!
Wow, what a ride! Don't you just love those ID photos - even under normal circumstances most of us look like inmates. Sounds like you could pick up a few tips from Barbara. Hope Tuesday went swimmingly and you are now "official". Tell Olivia to have fun skating. See you soon!!! Love ya YOM, Mom, Gramma Sharon
Oh Jen, how's the swelling now?
I love you no matter what you look like! Ape or not your my buddy!
21 days and counting.......
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