Today is the day we finally get a car of our own!!! We have been driving a rental from ASML since the trip to Amsterdam a while back. Although it's a decent car, it'll be nice to have our own. It's a used BMW, not even sure what year. Matt said they didn't ship this model to the U.S. so, it could even be a fun "souvenier" to bring home!!!! Ha Ha Ha. Olivia's ice skating went well, she was delighted to find out that the entire Tuesday afternoon session is dedicated to students from the RIS (Regional International School). Kind of an oxymoron, isn't it? Regional....International. Anyway, she was concerned that the lesson would be given in Dutch and my assurance was not enough for her. So, when we arrived at the Ice Center, she saw one friend after another and could not believe that they would have "special" lessons, in English, for her and her friends. Too cute!!! However, she did not skate to her full potential as her girly friends are beginners and she did not want to stand out and be seperated into the intermediate group. She'll soon find out that it will be boring to shuffle back and forth across the rink until April while the other children are learning spins and the like. I imagine she'll decide to show 'em what she's got in a week or two. Matt is busy with work and has really slimmed up quick... I guess it's true what thay say about excercise. He starts and ends his day with a 20-25 minute bike ride, even in the rain!!! He's become a true Nederlander. I just had deja vu.... either that or I have already said that in a previous blog. Oh, well that is nothing new. Since we all know that I have a tendency to repeat myself. Just ask Tony! Just ask Tony! Just ask Tony! "Jeez, mom!!! I heard you. You've already said that twelve times!!!" I get it from my Mother. We miss you, Tony!!!:( If any of you see him soon, give him a ton of extra hugs from us!!!!

So, that's all i have for now. Maybe this weekend I'll get to the slideshow. Tomorrow, Tomorrow, Tomorrow.... remember that old commercial about procrastinating to get a college degree? Tomorrow..........
Over and out!
Post a photo of the new ride man.
?? ik zie het nut van deze site niet , wat een schijterij man , dike debiele allemaal
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