Part two of the previous post is our visit with Sharon and Cal. I have to start out by saying these two are tough!!!! They made the trip and didn't even skip a beat as far as jet lag!!!! When they arrived on Friday we had about enough time for a hug and a sip of Pepsi before I had to leave to pick Olivia up. So, without second thought Grandma jumped on Matt's bike to join me for the 4 mile ride!

Which was a great thing because Olivia ran out of the school, threw her bag to me and jumped into grandma's arms!!! It was too sweet! I took a photo but, it was with Sharon's camera. So, the kodak moment will remain a private one! I'll share some other highlights with pictures.....

Olivia and Grandma going through the "goody bag" that Grandma is well known for!!!! This was not just any goody bag though.... It was a suitcase!!! No, seriously A SUITCASE!!!! Pink, too! Olivia definatly wanted to hog G.&G. to herself for the first twenty four hours!!! She felt pretty good about having some of "her" people around!!!!

Walking in the woods near our house. We were trying to recreate a favorite family photo taken eight or nine years ago in northern Minnesota. The difference is the location and the people!!!! Obviously, Holland is different. Olivia is in this one and Jennifer (Matt's Sis) and Tony are not!!!

We made a pot of steamed mussels. Which we have found to be about as close to "Dutch" cuisine as it gets. They turned out well and proved to be a great appetizer. Fun to put the dutch oven in the middle of the table and "dig in!".

A night of Guesstures with the neighbors, Frank and Jose was very silly and fun. Jose and Olivia were a perfect team!!! Grandama took a liking to thaem and they liked the Wilson's too! Enough that they invited them for a goodbye drink at their home on Sunday night. Some authentic Dutch hospitality!!! Perfected with a live music performance by Frank!!!

Grandpa and Olivia making fresh squeezed orange juice from oranges that we bought at the market, yummy!

Olivia warming up with tomato soup and hot cocoa at the watermill cafe, after a very long, cold bike ride to Valkenswaard!!! and then back!!!

Dinner at a Mexican Tapas restaurant in Eindhoven after a full day of shopping.

Olivia with Grandma and Grandpa in Maastricht, where the three of them and Matt spent the day on Saturday after our early return from Paris. The flowers were Olivia's idea to get for me since I had a bum knee and couldn't be with them. She paid for them and carried them around the whole time! Bless her heart, she's still as sweet as pie in July!!!!
The last day of Wilson's visit Sharon and Matt spent shopping and preparing food. Since we weren't sure how long I would be "off my feet" they made sure we were covered in the food department. The other part of our visit was spent in Paris with Anne and Pete. Stay tuned for part three of the Late October Post!!!!! (Maybe done in time to start a mid November!!!!!)
Love to all and God Bless!
Hey, Jennifer, great job capturing the flavor of our visit! Thanks again for a wonderful 9 days - that crisp Dutch air is the best remedy for jet lag that I can think of. Love ya YOM
wow! two posts in a week!
i'm impressed jen!
it really is so much fun to log on and see your new photos and daily doings.
i sure hope your leg is doing better.
it's 3:45 on monday and it has been
snowing off and on this afternoon.
scary, right?! i mean, it's not sticking or anything like that but when the white stuff flies...well,
you know, ya just wanna crawl into a warm bed with lots of blankets and a couple of cats...hey, that sounds good...gotta go.
adios amigos! ;{
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