Friday, September 28, 2007
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Dutch-Geen Nederlandse heden English-No Dutch today
Too much to tell for a dutch lesson!!!! Okay, so... I only told you about one day of our long weekend. Friday we arrived at 5:30, in time for Tea with Valtraud, Matt's Mutti. (German for Mum which is Dutch for Mom). She asked if I wanted more I said "Kein, Danke." (German for "Geen, Dank U" which is Dutch for "No, thank you.") You see where I am giong with this? Man, talk about confusion!!! Actually, it was kind of funny. Funny like not knowing your head from your _ _ _!!!! Anyhow, tea time turned into witte wijn time (not a typo!) and we had a lovely visit in Valtraud's upstairs apartment. Mya came up to meet Olivia and cozied up between her Oma, Matt and Olivia for a look at a interesting fact book.

Soon, Heiko's wife, Barbara and their daughter Ena came over. Heiko is one of Matt's brothers. They live a stone throw away from the farm. Shortly thereafter Berent, another brother, showed up (there are three brothers). Berent lives in Hanover and only returns to Leezdorf, maybe, once a year. So, it was quite a treat that he came to see us! This is him with his Mutti.

Once they all arrived, Matt and Rolf returned from a pizza run and we all sat around the table together for a bite to eat.
Clockwise from Matt are: Rolf, Berent, Petra, Barbara and Valtraud.

All but the children that is, they were lucky enough to eat in the family room in front of the TV.... German TV, of course!
Right to left are; Mya, Rolf and Petra's daughter; Ena, Heiko and Barbara's daughter; Andre, R. and P's son (who, bythe way, has the BEST dimples I have EVER seen!!!); and our Olivia;)

Then it was off to bed!!!! Gute nacht? Goede nacht? Good night? Is that my head... or my _ _ _ ? ( Jen laughs out loud!) We brought along our tent and camping gear however, the germans insisted we sleep in the house. Rolf and Petra were gracious enough to offer us their room saying, "Nur das beste für den Gast." Which Matt tells me means "Only the best for the guest." For all I know it means,"Two Hundred Fifty Euro's per night!!!!!!" No seriously, they were incredible hosts to have us during such a busy weekend and we loved every minute of it!!!
Well, except that one part............
To be continued.
Soon, Heiko's wife, Barbara and their daughter Ena came over. Heiko is one of Matt's brothers. They live a stone throw away from the farm. Shortly thereafter Berent, another brother, showed up (there are three brothers). Berent lives in Hanover and only returns to Leezdorf, maybe, once a year. So, it was quite a treat that he came to see us! This is him with his Mutti.
Once they all arrived, Matt and Rolf returned from a pizza run and we all sat around the table together for a bite to eat.
Clockwise from Matt are: Rolf, Berent, Petra, Barbara and Valtraud.
All but the children that is, they were lucky enough to eat in the family room in front of the TV.... German TV, of course!
Right to left are; Mya, Rolf and Petra's daughter; Ena, Heiko and Barbara's daughter; Andre, R. and P's son (who, bythe way, has the BEST dimples I have EVER seen!!!); and our Olivia;)
Then it was off to bed!!!! Gute nacht? Goede nacht? Good night? Is that my head... or my _ _ _ ? ( Jen laughs out loud!) We brought along our tent and camping gear however, the germans insisted we sleep in the house. Rolf and Petra were gracious enough to offer us their room saying, "Nur das beste für den Gast." Which Matt tells me means "Only the best for the guest." For all I know it means,"Two Hundred Fifty Euro's per night!!!!!!" No seriously, they were incredible hosts to have us during such a busy weekend and we loved every minute of it!!!
Well, except that one part............
To be continued.
Dutch-familie bijeenkomst English-family reunion
Goede Middag!!! Here we are again about to embark on another weekend and I still need to tell you all about last weekend! It's a good thing we don't get paid to blog, I'd be scraping pennies. As some of you already know, Matt spent one year after graduating high school as an exchange student in Germany. He lived with the same family the whole year in a village called Leezdorf, in the Ostfriesland region of Germany. The family, Shittenhelm's (yup, it's pronounced the way it spells;)) own and operate a tree farm. Since Matt was there much has changed. Now, their oldest son, Rolf, and his wife Petra, run the business. Matt contacted Rolf by email a couple of weeks ago and he called us to invite us to the farm last weekend. This was the weekend that they have an "autumn festival" at the farm, kind of an open house for customers, friends and family. It was VERY impressive. They had a beer stand, a pig roast, live music (to which Rolf knew all the words to all of the songs, even though they were english, and he doesn't speak english!!!)

Mya won a pony at their "county fair", she was allowed to have it at the party and give pony rides. As you can imagine, Olivia was all about that!!!! The kids danced and played night games, language did not seem to be a barrier at this gathering! Olivia got some special attention from her "cousins" Eena and Mya. Daughters of Matt's host brothers, Heiko and Rolf.

Rolf has landscaped the front of the house into a beautiful display of different cozy gardens, pathways, ponds and streams, statues and trees. For the party he had installed lighting throughout the entire garden, complete with an intimate little bonfire away from the crowd. I have a few good photos I'd like to turn into a slide show. Then, you could see all of the family and the fun we had!!! I'll have to consult with Anne, VP of the Blog Know It All Club, sister of Sue whom I've mentioned before. (Who also happens to be President of the forementioned club!!!) Pehaps I can get a show going like hers, check out her blog at or the Presidential site at OR if you're really blog savvy, go to my comment page, LEAVE A COMMENT and click on their names. You are sure to see them as they are my two most dedicated bl-isters (blog sisters) get it? Thanks Nicki, for the funny term! Anyhow, here we are TOGETHER in a foreign country earlier this year

Gotta go, more later. Love to all!!!!
Mya won a pony at their "county fair", she was allowed to have it at the party and give pony rides. As you can imagine, Olivia was all about that!!!! The kids danced and played night games, language did not seem to be a barrier at this gathering! Olivia got some special attention from her "cousins" Eena and Mya. Daughters of Matt's host brothers, Heiko and Rolf.
Rolf has landscaped the front of the house into a beautiful display of different cozy gardens, pathways, ponds and streams, statues and trees. For the party he had installed lighting throughout the entire garden, complete with an intimate little bonfire away from the crowd. I have a few good photos I'd like to turn into a slide show. Then, you could see all of the family and the fun we had!!! I'll have to consult with Anne, VP of the Blog Know It All Club, sister of Sue whom I've mentioned before. (Who also happens to be President of the forementioned club!!!) Pehaps I can get a show going like hers, check out her blog at or the Presidential site at OR if you're really blog savvy, go to my comment page, LEAVE A COMMENT and click on their names. You are sure to see them as they are my two most dedicated bl-isters (blog sisters) get it? Thanks Nicki, for the funny term! Anyhow, here we are TOGETHER in a foreign country earlier this year
Gotta go, more later. Love to all!!!!
Monday, September 24, 2007
Dutch- Gelukkige Verjaardag Vader!!! English- HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD!!!
Boy, oh boy.... do I wish I was there!!!!! Today is a BIG birthday for my Dad! WE LOVE YOU!!!! We are having a birthday party for you, Dad. Jumbalaya, Chiante, crusty french bread. No dessert, just seconds of the good stuff!!! Can't wait to see you again, we love you. Hope your day is the best, you are!!
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Last week's post!!!!
Hallo all! We have had yet another fabulous weekend! Vridag, middag we were invited to a friend of Olivia's for dinner. the same family who invited Olivia to a birthday party. Estelle and Rene have two girls named Zahra and Mya. They are a very interesting couple, very rich with culture and diversity. Estelle is from Nigeria, Rene" is Dutch, they met in the U.S. while studying in St. Louis. Their desire is to settle, someday, in Botswana, Africa nearer to Estelle's roots. It was an evening of great food and conversation...... almost like home. It was so nice to feel like "friends".
Zaterdag we visited the Market in Eindhoven.... a must do for anyone who visits. Much like the Lyndale farmers market, only in Holland!!! We bought fresh fish, oranges, peaches, olives, caramels, SOCKS!! and mums. We also bought tomaats for our burgers that we grilled for our American dinner!!!!
Which, by the way, was one of the best darn burgers I have ever had!!!!! Sunshine, warm weather, real charcoal,,,,Olivia said "where's the beans?" Now I am on a mission to find baked beans!!!
Zondag we decided to go for a walk, not just any walk!!!! Geared up with backpack #1 full of food, drinks and camera and backpack #2 for Olivia's nature journal (her own idea!) and lots of space for treasures along the way, we headed out on a three hour tour. The weather started getting rough, we thought that we were lost, if not for the courage of the fearless crew..... (sing to the tune of Gilligans Island for those of you that didn't already catch on)
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Dutch- bezig English- BUSY!
Ik ben bezig!!!! I cannot believe that five days have passed and I have not updated this blog! I wonder if anyone will still check on us? The weekend went by so quickly, as they always do! Vrijdag night we went, by bike, for dessert. There is a cafe in the woods that has a wonderful patio and is neighbor to a horse ranch. We had drinks and treats then, checked on lessons through this place. We learned that it is a pretty low key ranch for lessons and/or trail riding. By low key I mean in comparison to alot of the riding stables here that are training for competition, very traditional and disciplined. This ranch is run by a mother/daughter team. The daughter, Olga, thought that it would be fine for Olivia to take lessons, as well as go on trail rides on her own horse. We now need to contact her mother to arrange lessons. Hopefully there is space available for us. YEE-HAW, GIDDY-UP!!!!
We drove to Amsterdam Zaterdag, returned the car and took the train into the city. We had lunch then shopped most of the day. Matt got some new shoes and a wallet, I got some new shoes and a purse. Olivia got a new stuffed dog which she named "Buckets" because Anne always says, "love you buckets!". He is very cute and Buckets is a suitable name for him as eh looks like a St. Bernard.We decided not to do a canal boat tour since that would be something fun to do when we have visitors. Speaking of which, Anne and Pete (great friends of ours) are coming over in October!!!!! Pete has a conference in Paris, Anne will travel with him and we will meet in Paris!!! How cool is that? Just so happens that Olivia is on autumn holiday that week AND it's Anne's 37th birthday! Also, Sharon and Cal (Matt's parents) were planning to come in early November, but since Olivia is on holiday that week in October, they are considering what it would take to arrange coming over to Holland joining us to Paris!!!!! Wouldn't it be something if it all works out? Anyhow, back to Amsterdam..... we ended up taking the 7:30pm train home, so that we could see some of the landscape before sunset. Wasn't long after that Olivia zonked out for the rest of the ride. Long day!!!
Zondag we visited an english speaking church. It was no Westwood!!! Very traditional. Stand, Sit, Stand, Sit... They alternate from traditional to contemporary weekly. We will go again this week to check out the contemporary service. Hope it is more what we are looking for. I said to Matt the other day that it is really something that God placed us in a home that is the half way point between an english speaking church and a ranch that we can ride at. Both within walking distance, church one direction, riding the other. Praise Him!!! We biked to the neighboring village called Valkensvaard. They were celebrating their annual flower festival. We made it in time to see the parade of floats that were decorated entirely with flowers! Very impressive.
Maandag we had dinner with Matt's boss, Mason and another colleague named Paul. It was very fun, they were very good to Olivia and I. Also, nice to be with remotely familiar people!!! A welcomed visit anytime!!! Thanks for coming and for a fantastic dinner!
Dinsdag Olivia was late for school because I did not know how to get the car into reverse!!!!!!
Today, Woensdag is Olivia's early release day. We have renamed it "Mac and Cheese Day". This is my attempt at rationing out the limited supply. Needless to say, this is one of the highlights of her week!!!
I have a request for some prayers to go out for Tony and for my Mom. They are both struggling with their health a bit. Tony has some swelling and pain in his neck and his face, went to Urgent Care, they tested for Mumps and something else??? Not sure how he is doing as I have not been able to get a hold of him. My Mom has been without a voice for three weeks and has undergone some tests as well. I will be praying that they both find answers and resolution. It's pretty hard to be over here whem my Boy and my Mama aren't well!!!!
This has turned into a marathon post, that's what happens when I don't do a little every day!!! Just like laundry.
Love you guys, God bless you and yours.
Friday, September 7, 2007
Dutch-De Schat English-Sweetheart
"De Schat" doesn't sound like a very sincere term of endearment, does it? However, thought you all should know that, although he's in a foreign country Matt still knows how to "sweeten me up". On his way home from work yesterday, he bought me a beautiful bouquet of flowers and bicycled them home to me. It is a huge bouquet, which means he rode all the way one handed. He loves me:)
Sounds like a "picture this..." moment!
Sounds like a "picture this..." moment!
Dutch-Houtskool English- Charcoal
I scored some charcoal!!! Where? you ask, at the garden store of course! Duh, why didn't I think of that before. At home, in the states, I would say to Matt, "Could you please stop at Halla Nursery on your way home, I'd like to grill tonight." Jeez, who thinks this stuff up? Anyhow, I bought some and I also found a firestarter can, just like the one that Perry bought for Matt. I wrapped it, as a surprise for him, in the dutch newspaper that comes to our house twice a week, since I have already read it front to back, "wink". HA! I seriously sit for an hour every time that blasted paper comes and try to read it! Oh, well it will come in handy for grilling tonight!!! 'Spose our new neighbors will come running, chanting "The Wilson's are cooking Johnsonville Brats!" ? (you have to watch american TV commercials for that to happen.)
Thankful that it is the weekend, it's been a long week. It will be good to "play" a little. Tomorrow we will get up early and return our rental car to Schipol Airport. We plan to spend the day in Amsterdam, maybe do a canal boat tour. We will return to Eindhoven by train. That will be fun for Olivia since it will be her first time.
Thanks to all of you who responded to my blue mood and filled me up with your words of love and encouragment. Makes all the difference. Will post again soon!!!
Thankful that it is the weekend, it's been a long week. It will be good to "play" a little. Tomorrow we will get up early and return our rental car to Schipol Airport. We plan to spend the day in Amsterdam, maybe do a canal boat tour. We will return to Eindhoven by train. That will be fun for Olivia since it will be her first time.
Thanks to all of you who responded to my blue mood and filled me up with your words of love and encouragment. Makes all the difference. Will post again soon!!!
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Dutch-Het paard rijden lessen English- Horse riding lesson
Goede namiddag! ( Good afternoon) It is 2:15p.m. here and I am getting ready to get Olivia from school. She was feeling better this morning so we biked. It was beautiful, we rode through Geneper Park the whole way. It is a park in the city that is designated for bike and bus traffic. We saw only two busses, otherwise it was just us biking through the woods, over tiny bridges, past a cafe that you can only get to by bike or horse....very peaceful. I stopped on my way back to pet and feed a couple of horses, there are horses everywhere here. I miss Cloud!!! When I got home I looked up some stables, hoping to get Olivia and myself into some riding lessons. I was very disappointed to find out that they do not give lessons to children under eight years old here, only one place does and there is a very long waiting list. I will definately keep looking. In the mean time we will have to continue to wrangle up our own lessons after dark!!!!
Okay, so I can upload photo's ya think I'd be able to rotate them as well? Sorry for the stiff neck!!!!!!
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Dutch- Goed Gedaane English-Well done
I tried. I swear, I tried. I brought Olivia's landscape to school. The receptionist was lovely. I smiled at everyone I encountered on the way there. I went to find a cafe to get a koffie and write two letters..... nothing openened until 11:30. I decided to shop. I found a cute Children's shop and bought a night light for Olivia. I brought the butterfly one from home from Grandma Sharon however, due to the power conversion it does not work. So , I got her a fairy night light. This is good, I'll make her day! I get to a cafe, order a snack..... she can't take my card and seems irritated that I do not speak dutch. I like Old Dutch potato chips, shouldn't that count????? Anyhow, I get my fries with mayonaise and a coke and settle down to write a letter to Kathy and Tony. Olivia has half days on Wednesday so, I pick her up. We decide to go home and cook Scooby Doo Mac and Cheese (thanks Mema!) part way through.... there's no milk. Oh, well we make do. Then. I suggest "Let's surprise your Dad and make his favorite meal" So, we bike to the store, in the rain, and get all we need. Turns out HORRIBLE!!! Steaks are tough. Salad is gross and well, enough is enough. AAAAGGGHHHH!!! I know this is just the adjustment period. Tomorrow will be better, I will try again. Well done.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Dutch- Leeg English- Empty
Ik voel leeg! I feel empty. So, does the fridge! I am so used to grocery shopping at $200.00 per trip, now....if it can't fit in my bike bags, it's too much!!!!! Yesterday was a hard day, from start to finish. There is soooo much confusion about our resident's permit, Matt's work permit, our birth certificates not having some "golden seal" on them (literally a golden seal!!!) Without these things we cannot even get a car registered in our name or get Dutch health coverage. I feel more and more respect every day for the legal immigrants in our country, and feel less negative about illegal ones too!!!!!! Not to mention, in America they are required to take an "entrance exam", if that were the case here, they'd have me sailing on the next ship out.
Okay, enough of that. When I post later today, I promise there will be something wonderful to share. I am heading out now to find it!!! Actually, I am biking to Olivia's school because she forgot to put her American Landscape in her bag. The children were to find a landscape of their home country, bring it to school to share then, they will paint a replica. I can't wait, Olivia painted a replica of Renoir's Garden Bridge painting, in Kindergarten and it was beautiful. This will be fun because she chose a view of Split Rock Lighthouse on Lake Superior. Fun for her because she has been there. Gotta run (ride!) God Bless you guys, I miss you.
Okay, enough of that. When I post later today, I promise there will be something wonderful to share. I am heading out now to find it!!! Actually, I am biking to Olivia's school because she forgot to put her American Landscape in her bag. The children were to find a landscape of their home country, bring it to school to share then, they will paint a replica. I can't wait, Olivia painted a replica of Renoir's Garden Bridge painting, in Kindergarten and it was beautiful. This will be fun because she chose a view of Split Rock Lighthouse on Lake Superior. Fun for her because she has been there. Gotta run (ride!) God Bless you guys, I miss you.
Monday, September 3, 2007
Happy 40th Birthday to Bret!!!! May the sun always rise to meet you, may the wind always be at your back........... God Bless you!!
Dutch- Apotheek English-Pharmacy
Okay, So I start this blog, miss a day and start getting harped on by Sue, the blog Police!!!! Just kidding Sue! We are actually coming off of a fairly relaxing weekend. We decided to "lay low" as Olivia is still not feeling 100%, physically. She has been struggling with congestion and complaining of difficulty breathing. Today she missed school and we took her to the "House Doctor". Yup, you guessed it, his office is in his house! The first house on our street. So strange, we did not even leave the neighborhood. Dr. Jannsen came to the door, invited us in, we talked a while and checked Olivia out right there at his desk in his office!!! Totally a home office!!!! Anyhow, they do not prescribe antibiotics right away here, instead a nasal spray decongestant and an oral pain reliever. Olivia opted for the oral when faced with the common dutch choice of suppository medication, when she understood that suppository is "in your bottom", there was little to no hesitation for choosing swallowing a pill!!!! Bless her heart, pray that she feels better soon!!! Matt grilled burgers tonight, that was a trip!!! We buy "charcoal", what we get is pre-burned, driftwood!!!! It is so crazy, the smallest everyday things, like grilling, become first time experiments. It's like the "wall paper marriage test" every day!!!! WOW, we will be built to last, by the time this is over!!!! Spoke to Tony tonight, he's going riding with some friends in Duluth today, Have fun Tony!!! Be safe. Sure do miss him!!!! By the way, spent much of the weekend enjoying our package from My mom which included MN State Fait Sweet Martha's and Kraft Scooby Doo Mac and Cheese and the Chaska Herald!!!! Who loves us????
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