Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Dutch- Leeg English- Empty

Ik voel leeg! I feel empty. So, does the fridge! I am so used to grocery shopping at $200.00 per trip, now....if it can't fit in my bike bags, it's too much!!!!! Yesterday was a hard day, from start to finish. There is soooo much confusion about our resident's permit, Matt's work permit, our birth certificates not having some "golden seal" on them (literally a golden seal!!!) Without these things we cannot even get a car registered in our name or get Dutch health coverage. I feel more and more respect every day for the legal immigrants in our country, and feel less negative about illegal ones too!!!!!! Not to mention, in America they are required to take an "entrance exam", if that were the case here, they'd have me sailing on the next ship out.
Okay, enough of that. When I post later today, I promise there will be something wonderful to share. I am heading out now to find it!!! Actually, I am biking to Olivia's school because she forgot to put her American Landscape in her bag. The children were to find a landscape of their home country, bring it to school to share then, they will paint a replica. I can't wait, Olivia painted a replica of Renoir's Garden Bridge painting, in Kindergarten and it was beautiful. This will be fun because she chose a view of Split Rock Lighthouse on Lake Superior. Fun for her because she has been there. Gotta run (ride!) God Bless you guys, I miss you.


Anne said...

Oh, Jen! (((((H)))))
Things will get better, keep your chin up!
I love and miss you so much. Pete said I could come with him to Paris at the end of October so I could meet up with you. Will you meet me for a birthday drink?

Anonymous said...

You are still making me laugh so I figure things can't be too bad! Your descriptions are priceless...you are one talented writer. Take a picture of "Olivia's Homeland" and post it! xxxooo L/Y YOM

Anonymous said...

I am really happy for you,Matthew and Olivia. Hope all is going great. keep up the positive attitude. I really do miss you 3. Olive juice Bret

Anonymous said...

p.s. cool Blog, I'm very impressed

Anonymous said...

Hi Jen,Matt,Olivia,
I hope this works. I sent an email but I'm not sure it went through. Love reading your blog. You do a great job, Jen. All of this needs to be saved so you can write a book if for just all of us about your experiences. Very proud of all of you for choosing this stretching experienc. Love you, Joan