Goede namiddag! ( Good afternoon) It is 2:15p.m. here and I am getting ready to get Olivia from school. She was feeling better this morning so we biked. It was beautiful, we rode through Geneper Park the whole way. It is a park in the city that is designated for bike and bus traffic. We saw only two busses, otherwise it was just us biking through the woods, over tiny bridges, past a cafe that you can only get to by bike or horse....very peaceful. I stopped on my way back to pet and feed a couple of horses, there are horses everywhere here. I miss Cloud!!! When I got home I looked up some stables, hoping to get Olivia and myself into some riding lessons. I was very disappointed to find out that they do not give lessons to children under eight years old here, only one place does and there is a very long waiting list. I will definately keep looking. In the mean time we will have to continue to wrangle up our own lessons after dark!!!!
Okay, so I can upload photo's now...do ya think I'd be able to rotate them as well? Sorry for the stiff neck!!!!!!
Good job with the photo! Hope you can find some Het paard rijden lessen soon. That would be fun for you too.
Hey, do they have J. Jill in Holland?
Hi Jen.
Lots to learn. You are doing so well!
I remember how Mike and Kindra had
to struggle in Italy for quite a bit
too. You get the hang of some things and throw your arms up and laugh about the others...Just remember,
God love you! :)
Loved seeing th photo!
Keep it up girl!
Love and Kisses,
Good for people to know.
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